Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Building Information Management or BIM is a process not a product

"We need BIM. How much does it cost and when can you install it?" This is a direct quote from a call I received not too long ago. I actually get questions close to his one on a monthly basis. I hate to answer a question with a question, but that's the only thing to do in this situation. What is your understanding of what BIM is?

BIM is a building design methodology characterized by the creation and use of coordinated, internally consistent computable information about a building project in design and construction.

BIM is Communication between all parties who work on a building project.

BIM is a workflow that shares information between the Design, Analysis, Construction, and can even stretch into the Ownership of a building.


My name is Nikko, and I'm a BIMaholic...

I have worked with architects, engineers, and constructors (and most other facets of building) in one for or another for 15 years now. I currently work for a company that helps customers implement Autodesk Building Information Modeling (BIM) solutions.

Given we are expected to see the growth of the world's population to about 9 billion (yes that's a B) by the year 2030, I'm very concerned about the use our our world's resources. I'm not a treehugger, but we need to start smart building practices NOW - not later...

I'm going to try and touch on a bit of the knowledge I have learned over the years about BIM and smart (Green) building in this blog. I hope you can suffer through my horrible writing style to enjoy the information...
